Preventive Care Benefits for Adults
Health care insurance plans must cover preventive services, often without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. Take advantage of screening services offered to help you stay healthy and available for your family and friends.
A Family Physician is trained in preventive care of all ages and genders to help optimize your well being. We use evidence based screening tools to ensure you are ahead of the game when it comes to prevention. We also focus on lifestyle counseling to prevent illness associated with our choices and environment. We encourage immunizations to help prevent disease from becoming severe.
Preventive Screening Services Offered
Blood Pressure Screening
Cholesterol Screening
Diabetes (Type 2) Screening
Depression Screening
Colorectal Cancer Screening - For adults 45-75 (earlier if indicated)
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - One time screening for men with increased risk secondary to smoking history.
HIV screening
Lung Cancer Screening - For adults 50 to 80 at increased risk for lung cancer secondary to smoking history.
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) - Screening and preventive counseling for adults at increased risk.
Tuberculosis Screening - For adults with an increased risk, even if asymptomatic.
Pregnancy related screening - Contact us to find out how we can help guide you through the process with our physician network.
Bone density screening - For women over 65, or younger that have gone through menopause.
Breast Cancer Mammography - Every 2 years for women above 50, or recommended by your physician.
Cervical Cancer Screening
Well-woman visits - Let us guide you to get recommended services for all women.
Health Counseling
Alcohol misuse screening and counseling
High risk sexual activity
Diet counseling
Fall prevention - For adults 65 years and over, or if clinically indicated.
Obesity screening and counseling
Women's health counseling
Breast cancer genetic test counseling (BRCA) - for higher risk women
Pregnancy counseling - Folic Acid supplementation for women who may become pregnant
Birth Control
Breast Feeding support and counseling
Children screening - We work with your pediatrician to ensure optimized family health.
Immunization - Let us help guide you to stay up to date on your immunization.